The Marfa Education Foundation supports and enhances the work of the Marfa Independent School District, and is committed to facilitating enrichment projects and to augmenting the education of the District’s students, as well as supporting the education of MISD graduates who are attending an institution of higher education or a trade school.
Our Programs
Sensory Room
A Sensory Room is available to any student who is feeling overwhelmed in the classroom or needs help calming down in emotionally challenging situations.
Art Supplies
MEF facilitates the donation of high quality art supplies from local businesses & seeks grants that support high school art classes.
MEF makes grants available to all teachers for books, materials, supplies, or software, to enhance the teaching in their classrooms.
Marfa School Library
Swimming Lessons
End of Year Luncheon
In 2018, The Tocker Foundation generously granted funds to buy books and modular furniture for the school library, creating cozy environments for students.
Swim lessons were available at the Marfa Municipal Pool Monday through Friday free of charge through Summer Shaekup.
MEF partakes in various teacher appreciation events in May, including coffee and donuts at the school and treating MISD teachers and staff to lunch at Cibolo Creek Ranch at the end of the 2023 school year.
The Marfa Studio of Arts initiated SITES (Studio in the Elementary School) in Fall 2005.
MEF and MISD are collaborating to keep our teachers here in Marfa.
The Guided Reading program began in Sept 2017, at which time, 30% of the elementary school children (30 students out of 148) were reading below grade level.
Marfa ISD has had a robust Earth and Space Sciences academic class going for the past 3 years.
Art After School
Art After School provides Marfa teens with an opportunity for independent study in the visual arts by offering studio space, art materials, and mentorship.
This multi-year project started with the Dersu Collective raising $6,000 to renovate the elementary school playground. Most recently, a $15,000 grant continues improvements